Personalized Counsel. Customized Legal Services.

Compassionate And Dedicated Guardianship Attorney

When a person is no longer able to care for themselves, they need a guardian to manage their affairs. A guardian is someone whom a court appoints to have legal authority to act on behalf of a vulnerable person. There are several different types of guardianships here in Florida: minor guardianships, which are needed when a minor under the age of 18 inherits more than $15,000.00 in Florida, limited guardianships, where the ward (or person who needs the guardian) can still make some decisions on their own, and guardianships, where the person who needs the guardian appointed is determined to be fully incapacitated and the guardian makes all the decisions, both personal and financial. We also assist families of disabled adults in being appointed as Guardian Advocates for their loved ones.

We here at Schnauss Naugle Law, can help you address any decisions or problems you may face with guardianships or guardian advocacy. Our experience can become your advantage in these needs.

Decision-Making Rights

A guardian would monitor and make decisions for a ward regarding the following:

  • Residence
  • Medical treatment
  • End-of-life decisions
  • Estate receipt of income
  • Property appraisal
  • Maximizing independence/minimizing restrictions
  • Property and assets protection
  • Appropriation of disbursements
  • Release of confidential information
  • Applying for benefits
  • Acting as benefits representative payee
  • Non-medical services – education or counseling

Guardianship And Guardian Advocacy | Legal Services

If you are named as the legal guardian of a family member or wish to establish a legal guardianship, our lawyers at Schnauss Naugle Law, can help you. Our legal services involved with guardianships include assisting with:

  • Incapacity proceedings (Hearing to determine incapacity)
  • The appointment of a guardian
  • The preparation of annual reports to the court
  • The preparation of an annual accounting of the assets of the guardianship estate
  • The discharge of the guardian at the end of the case upon the death of the ward or in the event the ward regains capacity.

In cases where a person with developmental disability has the capacity to exercise some rights but not all, a petitioner (often a parent or parents of a disabled adult child) can petition to be named as a Guardian Advocate. Guardian Advocates have less stringent obligations than guardians.

The best interests of our clients are always our priority, and we explore every option available to protect your interests.

Put Your Faith In Us

No matter what your needs are related to guardianships, we can help you earn the best possible outcome in your unique case. We measure our success by the satisfaction of our clients, and we are eager to earn your satisfaction today.

Contact our office in Jacksonville by calling us at (904) 570-4695 or emailing us here. The sooner we can begin your case, the better the outcome, so schedule your initial consultation today.